Planning a last minute trip? You have come to the right place to take advantage of some great deals. If there are any current specials running at this time, they will be listed below. Specials are run on specific properties and may require specific check-in/check-out dates and/or specific length of stays. Specials may pop up from time to time due to possible cancellations or vacancies that may arise on a particular property but act fast as they can get booked quick!
Specials can include discounts on certain vacation rental property, added value deals from local business partners, and package deals for certain holidays or special events.
Several properties also offer the opportunity to bid on properties with a nightly rate. This option will appear on a property’s listing page within the navigation bar as “Last Minute Bidding” along with the “Description”, “Calendar”, Etc. Last Minute Bidding is only offered on select vacant properties and arrival must be within a certain number of days or weeks set for that property. This will range anywhere from 3 days to 3 weeks maximum in advance.